Every kid needs a hug, but some kids need something extra when coping with stress.

We are partnering with first responders and children’s services organizations in a unique way to ensure comfort in difficult situations.

Check out one of our signature projects here

When you donate to OCVLC, you receive a chance at a Miklas Meat Package, a Jebbia’s Market Gift Certificate, or a gas gift card to your gas station of choice (valued at $169). For a limited time only, thanks to an anonymous matching donor, we will give you TWO chances, making your odds of winning 1 in 60.

Where can you find better odds, help children in Ohio County, and support local businesses! It’s a win-win (especially if you win)!

Modern problems should have modern solutions. In late 2019, a group of Lions were inspired by the “My Club, My Way” publication by Lions International.  This publication shed light on barriers to membership and ways to eliminate those barriers.

One of the biggest barriers in recruiting was “I’m already so busy.” We needed to find a way to make Lions part of the working person’s life, and the Ohio County Virtual Lions Club was born!

As the first West Virginia Lions Cyber Club and only the 16th in the country, OCVLC uses modern approaches to communication to advance the club’s planning, so when we meet, we serve!  E-mail, text, video conferencing, and automated processes will free us up to serve more people in our communities.  You’ll be able to attend meetings from the comfort of your couch, a hospital room, at work, or even on vacation!

Another important distinction of the OCVLC is we are a specialty club devoted to CHILDREN in Ohio County! Whether it’s hunger, education, literacy, cancer, wellness, anti-bullying etc, we’re always looking for ways to serve the children of Ohio County to set them up for their and the county’s brightest future possible!

Few want to waste time in meetings when we are already so busy, so this makes our impact efficient while allowing us to recruit more busy people.  They say “If you want something completed, give it to a busy person,” so our hope is that we’ll get more completed with more people contributing but less individual workload.  Together, we are a force that can change the world.

“Duty bids us go forth into active life.  Let us go cheerfully, hopefully, and earnestly, and set ourselves to find our especial part. When we have found it, willingly and faithfully perform it.”

-Anne Sullivan’s Valedictory Address at the Perkins School for the Blind, June 1, 1886